Sunday, October 23, 2016


My phone screen wallpaper is the following statement,  'You cannot dwell on both the things of God and the lies of satan."

 But we sure try to don't we?

And when we allow the lies of satan to resonate in our souls...fear is not far behind.

Satan says....don't bother trying because nothing is going to change.
Satan are not worthy.
Satan says....worry about yourself, don't waste energy on other people

God says that He is your protector and provider.
That He never leaves your side.

I have found that to be true again and again in my life.  Yet, I can more easily than I'd like to admit...satan finds my vulnerable, weak places and rests there.

I think sometimes we think of spiritual warfare as loud, disruptive attacks...attacks that almost blow us over they are so mighty and evil.  My experience has often been that it is much more of a quiet and subdued cloudy fog that rests heavily on my spirit and mind.

And it's that fog that warps my vantage point of God's love and truth.
It clouds my judgement and it steals my hope.

Satan is gonna try.  Right?
It's his nature.  To seek. To kill. To destroy.

But I don't have to dwell.  I think that's so key.  Think of dwelling.....what that means.
I don't have to listen to satan.

When the whispers come.  And they will.  I can name them and call him out and move around so that I can instead keep my eyes on the Most High King, who loved me enough to lay down His life and gives me a framework for grace and peace.

To God be the Glory.

That's what I got today.

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