Saturday, October 22, 2016

Aha Moment.

Tonight rereading my blogs...I had a moment. I kind of lost it for a minute actually.

Because by rereading my blogs...I reminded myself of broken promises to myself and also of wasted time.

I need to write. It soothes my soul and it gives me a voice.


I am meant to connect with women and mentor women. I know that BLOOM is a way to make the connection.

But. so many other things...these goals, dreams....have taken a back seat. And while time has opened up for me with less kids in the house and Marlon having football and other activities....I chose instead to find a part time job to take up time. I chose instead to waste time.

So. How do I change this? I mean, it's one thing to have an aha's another to weeks later still be pursuing those goals.

I am one who steps up to challenges and I'm one who works well with clear parameters.

Here are the three things I'm doing and committing to before 2017.

1. I'm taking a bath once a week. A soak your worries away, enjoy just being, relax from head to toe bath.
2. I'm going to have coffee, lunch, dinner with 2 women a month. Different women just to make connection, catch up, have a needed heart to heart.
3. I have to choose at least one time a week where I will hide away from home and write for a couple of hours.

They might seem like a weird, random set of things....but they are very connected to what makes me tick and I believe will help me stay on track.

A final two things round out the list...

I have to blog everyday. Even if it's just a check in.

And finally. I have to quit my job at Kohl's. It just isn't necessary and quite honestly takes up valuable time.

A good cry always clears my mind. Now it's time to refocus it on me.

That's what I've got today.

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