Saturday, April 29, 2017

It's really quite simple.

This past week one of my participants at work passed away. 

I found out via email and confirmed with an online obituary.  There was nobody close enough to him to call.  Every time I met with him he was alone. Every time I asked him about his family he said they were too busy to visit much. It affected me greatly.  I've had other participants pass away and it is NEVER easy or 'just a job' but for some reason his situation cut a little deeper.

This past week I met a new participant who is 98.

Her daughter, who is 75, has moved across country to live with her and assist in her care.  To watch them interact is simply beautiful.  It's a song and dance of providing memories, helping put on glasses that don't assist in vision anymore--but still matter, and answering questions to tell mom's story that she can no longer tell herself.

Who in our lives are we taking for granted?  What friendships? What family? What loved ones?

Those people that in our final hour...would make the calls...would share our story...would hold our hand?

I think we much more easily to make ourselves available to the fringe people in our lives....our kid's teachers, co-workers, acquaintances....appreciate their place, enjoy casual conversation and give a smile.

That is very kind and friendly.  It is important that we acknowledge humans and as I always say...EVERYONE matters.  It is likely, however, that a month from now....years from now....we often won't even know who those people are and they likely won't be a part of our daily life.

****I fully understand that your family is not necessarily your biological family. So know that I am not necessarily talking about genetic family.  I fully understand that it is a blessing that in my life...many of those near and dear to me are related by blood. There's a whole slew of other folks that are ride and die family as well.****

Appreciate your family~Acknowledge them. Say thank you. Find out what makes them feel special and then do that.  Give them hugs. Look them in their eyes. Smile at them.  Brag about them to others. 

Invest in your family~Spend time together. Learn about who they are.  Share with them who you are. Find common things you enjoy. Understand their story.  Devote time to them individually, even if it's just a conversation about your day or theirs.

Cherish your family~Enjoy their being. They are unique and special. They are not promised to us and we never know what breath might be their last. Make sure they know where you stand and what they mean to you.

Appreciating someone, investing in them and cherishing who they are.....costs nothing.

You do not need to lavish fancy gifts.  You do not need to go to fancy places. You do not need to host a party in a fancy home.

You need to send a card or text.
You need to go for a walk or sit by them.
You need to say, 'I am so glad you are in my life.'

It's really quite simple.
And yet we make it so complex.

Those fringe people?  Yes, continue to be friendly and kind.

But your people? 

Don't let a moment pass that they may not know....they matter and they are loved.

That's what I got today.

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