Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Intro to the 'Holy' Years

After wandering in the desert I didn't really know I was in and slowly starting to merge my rock star and college mom life....I actually stumbled into what would become the most beautiful and destructive time in this journey. And it happened quite unexpectedly. 

I met the man that would become my husband while shaking my booty at a club. He was home on leave and neither of us were really 'looking' for 'the one'. In fact, by that night it was quite common for me to give fake numbers because I had sworn off men and he later told me that he had gotten a few numbers that night. But I did give him my real number. And he did call the next day. And for the next few weeks that he was home on leave we were together a lot.  He had to return to his post out of state and what followed was letters, phone calls, visits and back and forth. We fell in love and were quite smitten, but looking back, I don't know that either of us really knew what that meant. We were babies for pete's sake.  But we forged forward having children, moving in together and talking about getting married one day.

One random evening we had put the littles to bed and were watching TV. I'm not super big into spiritualizing things...but there are some things I have no other way of describing than to say they were a 'God moment'. What I mean by that when I say it, is that in the moment....something is said or done that is almost outer body--out of the blue and out of character and yet somehow I just know that it was exactly what is supposed to be said or done. There is a peace in the moment that is unexplainable.  So as we are watching some trash TV, we turned to each other and at the exact same time said to the other, 'We should go to church on Sunday.'

Um, what?

We had never been to church together. We had never talked about going to church together. We knew a little of each other's faith background, but that was about it. So after the surprise of what had just come out of our mouths we did a little research and discovered there was a non-denominational church just minutes from our apartment. It wasn't Catholic, it wasn't Baptist, it was close and did not meet at the crack of dawn, so we decided to give it a try.

Chapter 6 is coming....but this is all I got today.

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