Saturday, January 13, 2018

Read at your own risk. Seriously.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist (always used to represent extremely intelligent people) to know what all of the following have in common:

Grab em by the pussy.
Mexicans are rapists.
Black Lives Matters is a hate group.
Barack Obama's birth certificate is fake.
Rosie O'Donnell should be fired because she has a fat, ugly face.
Plan to reinstate ban on trans military service.
Accused of sexual harrassment or assault by over 20 women.
Central Park 5.
Sued twice for not renting to black people.
And of course....the recent shithole countries vs. Norway comment.

They of course are comments, thoughts, tweets, actions,etc. that represent trump.

In the last 24 hours or so....I've read many articles, watched news clips, observed facebook posts both implode and often is the case after the most recent trump turmoil....but there was something different this time.

This time....for the first time....I read/watched/observed many more evangelicals openly speaking out against trump's shithole comment. (it's not that it's never happened....just not the amount I've observed these past two days)

And you might think....knowing if you do how i just can not stomach our current president and the horrific person he continues to show himself to, this should make Mindy super happy and finally shut up.


It hasn't. Because there is this little piece of me that wonders where the fuck have they been previously? All of the horrific things he has said and done....for much of what I've observed....there has been silence.  But suddenly, countries that evangelicals so closely adore--send missionaries to--partner in ministry with are referred to in a disparaging way...and NOW he's crossed the line.

How nice of your privilege to finally allow you to show up.

The women and Mexicans and Muslims and ugly and fat and trans and black and innocent folks of THIS country who have dealt with hateful comments and dismissive language for quite some time....we're really so thankful to you for having the courage to speak up.  Except that's right.... You didn't speak up for us. You weren't offended enough for us. You felt comfortable staying quiet.

Do I think it's important to point out racist comments and attitudes and thoughts.  Yes. I do it all the time.  But can I also think, it's about damn time?  Yes. Yes I can. So please understand while I can see that there is good that can come from another voice pointing out and calling out hateful comments and ideology, I can also feel frustrated.

I'm working through that. I am. I promise that I keep trying.

It is my heart's cry that one day we can openly call out racist ideology without some person stating..

'We don't know intent.'    You don't need to know intent in saying Mexicans are rapists, do you?
'We don't know the context.'  In what context is 'just grab em by the pussy' NOT repulsive?
'I thought we were innocent until proven guilty.'  Yea?  Tell that to Tamir Rice or Oscar Grant or Philando Castile.  (if you know who they are without googling it.)
'Bringing up race just divides us.'  Yes. THAT'S what divides us.

Even in the midst of all of this....and as pissed as i can be and passionate as i can get...please know i have not given up on humanity. I haven't and I won't.

I'm hopeful in humanity but not because there's a bunch of white folks who now suddenly agree that trump has crossed the line and are willing to stretch their neck out to say it.

I'm hopeful because while our country might not be considered a shithole it's certainly full of shitheads and yet....

I get to see mother's make new choices that are going to change the trajectory of their families futures.
I get to witness young people opening up in honest ways about the torment they've endured, sometimes for the first time ever.
I get to connect people who have nothing in common and yet somehow after spending time together they see their commonality.
I get to continue to learn from and have my eyes opened to all I don't know by my world being filled with straight, gay, white, black, men, women, trans folks who live out loud.
I get to love people who think like me and people who don't.  But I also get to choose who I bring in close and who I keep casual.
I get to check myself on the daily...and grow and learn and change....challenge myself to be as woke as i possibly can be

and because I can....that means that other's can too...

That's what I've got today.

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