Saturday, September 7, 2019

can i save the world....

Most days
i'm overwhelmed
by what i can
and what i cannot

my world is full of love and joy
but also heartache and longing
of seeing struggle
of different sorts
and having no way to hold it all

can i 'save the world'
no way
don't even wanna
but i want to see
us all succeed
and each home
really oughta

but it's so easy to judge
someone elses's journey
when you see it through your eyes
your belief of what'd you do
if their life was yours
to live
and how you'd be able to thrive

'i've worked hard
why haven't they'
'i've made right decisions
what got in their way'
'i've handled my pain
and turned out just fine'
'i really just don't have time for
what isn't even mine'

so no judgement back
but i've just never been
that person who sends
thoughts and prayers
who waits on the sidelines and
watches to see how their
story will end

can i 'save the world'
no way
don't even wanna
but i want to see
us all succeed
and each home
really oughta

because between us all
there's more than enough
we all have something to share
it's not always money
or always things
it might be a smile, a hug
sharing a meal
or taking a walk

maybe just listen
and let someone cry
without 'having the answer'
to make their life right

without giving advice
that you expect them to do
and only offer help
if they're willing to follow through

can i 'save the world'
no way
don't even wanna
but i want to see
us all succeed
and each home
really oughta

here she goes again
who else has a need
guess what
someone somewhere always does

and it really isn't easy
to focus on the future and
dream of what might be
when you can't
feed your babies
clothe your babies
get to work
get ahead
make too much, yet not enough
to get the help
you think they should apply for and get
i mean our taxes-goodness don't they handle that?

not trying to shame
not trying to guilt
just trying to share
that humanity is there
and there's nothing better
than being a part
of helping someone sleep at night

can i 'save the world'
no way
don't even wanna
but i want to see
us all succeed
and each home
really oughta

can we 'save the world'
i believe
most definitely
because when we all work together
to give what we have
and sacrifice even a bit more
i believe
each and every person
can stand a little taller
and reach a little farther
and open up their heart
to hope
to make their story sweeter.

That's what i got today....

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