Monday, November 27, 2017

My job, my people, my tribe.

I haven't been able to write. Not because of a jumbled brain or inability to formulate thoughts. Not because I've been too depressed to put pen to paper. So those are good things that I am grateful for.


It's mostly because I am in a constant state of fighting my disdain for so many wretched things happening in the world around me.  I'm not sure if it's because of my sociology background, the fact that I've always been concerned about the world around me or what....but lately I've found myself so heavy whenever I've tried to write. How can I write with anything other than venom if I write about trump, or sexual assault, or mass shootings, or police brutality?  I seriously have stopped listening to any news about trump because it makes me not just pissed that he is such a joke of a president but also that people voted for him. I mean seriously. Someone for the love of all things holy take his damn twitter account away.

But I digress.  See how easily that happens?  It's like my blood pressure rises just thinking about it.

And honestly?

I have enough of each day and the people that are in my sphere to focus elsewhere.

My job. I get to help young people with mental health diagnosis navigate their world and help build a team to come along side them and their family to try and support them as they focus on meeting the youth's needs. This is heart wrenching and rewarding.  There is so much hopelessness out in the world today. There is such a need for healing.

My people. I am blessed to have a world very specifically chosen to be filled with people like me and people not. I eat lunch with, go to coffee with, serve with, laugh with and cry with people who struggle to pay their rent and those who own boats and multiple homes. Those who are devoted to their love of Christ and those who ran from the church for the horrific way they were treated. Those who bring other people's children into their homes and those who are fighting to find ways to keep their own.

My tribe. My tribe is not perfect....but they are full of love and respect and light. They fight for each other and for the underdog. They set high expectations and yet they are learning to extend themselves grace when they don't always reach them. They are individuals yet an intricate part of our team. It's amazing to watch them interact with each other and the world around them.  It is heart breaking when they experience disappointment or is heart warming when they achieve a goal or smile from inner joy.

It's not that I don't want to stay aware of the things that are happening around me. Especially when they come against my job, people and tribe. But I must put it in perspective because there is too much going on daily that I need my heart for.

So regardless of content and regardless of ache. I'm going to share what I have to say. I'm not going to censor myself any longer.

It might not always be pretty. But it will always be me.

That's what I got today. 

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