Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Bigger World

I love this picture.

For a few years I coordinated the summer day camp held at my old job.

This included Friday field trips.

Lots of locations were 'hot' spots over the years. The zoo, different museums, skating, inflatable spots.

So when I chose Lapham Peak.

Well.  I'm just gonna be honest here.

It was not very well received.

Let's just say I got a LOT of side eye.

But I had been praying.  For clarity and direction. For new experiences.  For ways to stretch the kids and staff.
And Lapham Peak kept coming to mind.

I remembered a field trip I had chaperoned years prior with my son.  The fresh air.  The breeze.  The beauty of nature.  The fun of simple field games and a scavenger hunt. And the feeling of triumph upon getting to the top of the tower. And.

And the utter joy and awe that comes when you look out over the state.  But.  It was more.

I wanted these kids to see that vision, yes.  I wanted these kids to know that exhilaration, yes.

But....I wanted these kids to know that God's world is bigger than what they might already see.  Than what is familiar to them.

You might read this and think, aw...what a nice story---get those inner city kids out in special to introduce them to God's world!

Naw, it's really about YOU!

Because guess might not look like Lapham Peak...but the same goes for you.

God's world is bigger than what you see.  It's more than what is familiar to you.  It's includes more than what you see everyday.

And I'm fully convinced that until we start to allow ourselves to enter ALL of God's world...and allow our heart to break for ALL of God's people....we are destined to fall prey to the thinking that only our perspective matters.

So maybe today you aren't going to hike through trails or climb a tower....but maybe you are going to befriend someone who doesn't think like you. Maybe you are going to listen to someone whose heart breaks differently than yours.  Maybe you are going to just take a minute to honestly and earnestly seek your own heart and ask God to break strongholds that keep you caught up in only looking at your little part of the world.  Maybe you are going to pray for someone.

Be open to your Lapham Peak opportunities. They might be met with side eyes....but they will be glorious!!

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