Monday, June 29, 2015

Not quite grits and sweet tea....

Depending on who you are....there's not much good about the 'good ol days' some folks are saying the confederate flag represents.

A flag, hung at your home or in your car, can represent whatever the heck you want to say it represents. (but if you aren't southern---it really doesn't represent you anymore than iggy azalea represents hip hop...just sayin)  And while it might be irritating to others who do not like what it stood for/stands's certainly your right because we live in America.

But that same flag hung over a government building?  I just don't see what impassioned argument there could be to allow that? What is fueling the outcry I've seen....and outcry that has led to the Klan helping to lead the rally to leave the flag up?  As an aside....I wonder if some white people feel about the Klan the way some black people feel about Jesse Jackson??

I'm asking.  Looking for intelligent arguments regarding this....

Not memes that make the argument that because the individuals who want the flag down sag their should be kept up.  Um.  Because I think South Carolina, any government building should take it down and I do not sag my pants.

Not memes that make the argument that only black people who hate white people want the flag down so it should be allowed to stay up.  Um.  Again, I want it down and I love lots of black and white people.  Quite a few also drive me bananas, incidentally, but that's neither here nor there.

I can try to understand frustration perhaps, at the timing.  I mean the flag's been flying forever and a day correct?  And suddenly because a crazy racist shoots up a black church it should come down?  (and please don't argue that's not what he was.  There's no question of that here.) 

Um yes.  It should have been down a long time ago.  I mean, c'mon....even Jeb Bush had a role in it being removed from Florida's capitol in 2001.

And by the way, if you are pro confederate flag in South Carolina and you didn't know that your homework please.  Because I'm gonna need more than a Dukes of Hazard rally cry to respect your reasoning for it continuing to fly over a government building as this juncture in our nation.

Someone is burning down black churches.

My son's are profiled.  (my newest boy driver got followed into Best Buy for the first time and I say first time because we know it will happen again...because 'he looked lost.  the cop actually admitted she followed him from Waukesha to Brookfield)  And they are not alone.

We may not be any more or less racist as a country than we've ever been....but it's certainly more out in the open than I ever remember it being in my lifetime.

None of these situation bade well for flying a flag that is NOT the flag of the United States of America flying over a government building.

Fly it over your home as you'd like.  Hang it in the back of your car.  Wear your t-shirts with pride.  You certainly have that right.

But try to understand that it doesn't represent grits and sweet tea for most of the country and we'd rather it didn't fly over our government buildings.

That's what I got today.

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