Monday, April 17, 2017

Time to get serious....

So. I pretty much have experienced writing in the following ways...for enjoyment, to work out my junk and just to share the crazy in my head.

But. I believe that it is to be more. And the occasional bursts of 'writing moments' isn't cutting it anymore. So I purchased some tools to help me grow into more. I not only desire to write. I believe I must write. 

One of the tools I bought is journal/book called 500 Writing Prompts.  It's filled with writing exercises and the start of sentences to encourage writing. I've decided that at least once a week I will take a prompt and write.  I am also taking a 30 Day Writing Boot Camp that looks as if it might be both brutal and joyous. My favorite kind of experience!

Back to the 500 Writing Prompts.  I'll be sharing some here...because well, it will likely be what I have that day. And also because all of you who care to read...are kind of my sounding board. Also, because I like to have the entire world to hold me accountable as well as my little tribe.

While at the beach you decide to write a message in a bottle. What would it say? Who would you like to find it?  I would hope that anyone with a dream and a doubt would find this message.

Precious one.
Do not give up. There will be days that are too much to bear and moments that seem too overwhelming to experience. But if you do not give up or shut down or walk will NOT be disappointed.
Not because everything will be okay. I can't make any guarantees about that. But I can share that...if you hold on...tomorrow comes. And just as you are not in the same place today that you were a year ago....a year from today the same will be true.
You matter. God created you. The universe and you. His best work. Each tear. Each smile. Each eager dream and broken promise. Not without purpose. Discover. Hope. Seek. Give. And LOVE. Cover everyone you encounter with love. Allow yourself to be loved.
You dear one, were meant to find this. I do not know why. It is likely you do. And that is good.
So rejoice not because all is well. It is very possible that it is not.  But you have breath. And you have life. And there is light.

So help keep me accountable. Ask what I've written lately. If it's been awhile since there's been a blog a little. Let's get coffee and talk about writing and living and loving.

That's what I've got today.

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