My heart is kind of heavy today.
There's so much and so many.
There's abundance in some areas and great need in some others.
There's some with too much and others with none.
And while I can try and do everything in my power...
to bring awareness
to request assistance
to shower love
to walk through valleys
to connect the people
It's never ending.
And there's still those...will likely always be those...
who don't understand because they choose not to understand
who do understand but think it's not their problem
who judge and think if someone can't 'keep it together'
But I'm so grateful...
for those who will never stop giving
for those who will never stop sharing
for those who will never stop praying
for those who will never stop loving
Those that understand it truly takes a village
Those that understand it truly is everyone's lot
Those that understand it truly is important to care
Those that understand it truly matters...everyone truly matters
So when I am feeling weak
And overwhelmed
Like there's much on my plate
But yet as much, if not more on other's
I occasionally shut down and shut it out
I can't for long. Because I'm just not wired that way.
I'm grateful for friends who share my heart
With different perspectives and different places of influence
But still the same heart.
Most days. I need them more than they could know.
Today? Was one of those days.
That's what I got today.
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