So I have this idea...
This idea that women can join together as a coalition..
A sisterhood of support
Building each other up
Seeing others and seeing themselves BLOOM.
What is BLOOM (bringing life out of mess)?
BLOOM has been in my heart for a long time and my work at the women's shelter definitely played a role in helping me see that women really can't and shouldn't be "us" and "them". We all have needs. We all have shortcomings. We all struggle with many of the same things.
Since leaving the shelter, I've had a chance to befriend many of the ladies I met while they were living there, in a different way. Coffee and lunch dates, having them over to my house, helping with resources, lifting prayer requests or meeting a tangible need of some sort. Many times these things haven't been done in a bubble...because I've had to reach out to other women for help. (and occasionally a men's group has stepped up which is awesome)
But what has that my friends I happened to meet at the shelter...have encouraged me, have prayed for me, have offered help to me, have inspired me.
So I began to think...what if those worlds collided? And there was a space for women, all kinds of women to connect and love each other. To change. To learn and grow. To BLOOM.
I believe there are 4 things we all need as women to thrive.
A sense of our self worth
A support system and
The ability to dream.
Sometimes life sucks one or all of those things out of us. Some of us have never been given the opportunity to foster those things in our lives.
To begin, we are going to Bring Life Out Of Mess in three simple ways:
Via social media. Join the BLOOM FB page, encourage the women around you, look for individuals who need prayer, a friend, a positive word. Find the good in yourself and your sisters. This is a very simple and easy way to be a part of BLOOM.
Via Garden Gatherings. Beginning in 2017, there will be 4-6 Garden Gatherings. Intentional times of growth for women. Gatherings may include a speaker, a meal, entertainment, an activity but they will all have a focus of gathering together women from all walks of life to create space for true and authentic relationships to grow. Come to the Gatherings and bring a friend. Come with the intent to meet someone new, come with the intent to leave with a friend.
Via Retreats. Once or twice a year, BLOOM will sponsor a retreat for 6-10 women. This may be an afternoon of respite and rejuvenation or an overnight tranquil get away. The premise is that there are times we need to unplug from our routine and put ourselves in a new environment where we can just be. Not anyone's mom. Not anyone's wife or partner. Not anyone's employee. Just us.
How do you get involved? This only works if there are women who are ready to BLOOM!!
Pray. Maybe you are a prayer warrior. Are you willing and ready to lift others in prayer? Add BLOOM to your daily or weekly prayer list. Be intentional about praying for specific women you might meet at Gatherings. Lift requests that may be shared (with permission) via social media or email.
Provide. Maybe you are interested in providing for needs that BLOOM will need. This could be from offering your home or talent, buying bibles or journals, cooking a meal. There will be many ways to get involved in this way.
Partner. Maybe you know that you have a desire to invest in other women...or allow yourself to be invested in. Maybe you know that you have something to share. BLOOM needs women who will be intentional about encouraging and engaging with sisters.
I have not always been good at fostering relationships. I have allowed myself to get put on a back burner. I have forgotten how to BLOOM.
Please hear my heart. Nobody can do this alone. And nobody has all the answers. I can only look to what I have made my life's mantra. Love Him. Love others.
Love Him. Jesus Christ is my Savior. I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I fail miserably at representing Him at times....but I also know that through Him I can stand firm and face trials and trouble without fear.
Love others. We all need love. And as a believer in Christ, I am commanded to love. This isn't ooey, gooey, lovey dovey love, not a false love. But an authentic, work through the muck love for others. To see them as God does.
Won't you join me as we begin this endeavor? Join me as we BLOOM.
That's what I got today.
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