This is a long one. Bear with my soul today.
It's interesting to me that Donald Trump became president. Not surprising because I have been telling people all along that he was going to win. It scared and frustrated me with every fiber of my being. But I am a realist and I just knew. I knew by what people were saying and by what they weren't saying. I knew by Clinton being the opposing candidate. (who coincidentally, in my opinion and you won't change it so don't try, wouldn't have won even without the email scandal...that just became a very good 'icing on the cake' as a reason not to vote her in...she wasn't Bernie and people were going to make the DNC suffer for that and she was a woman who didn't take any shit. 'merica really wasn't ready for that after Obama) By the way....why was Trump mostly referred to as Trump and Clinton as Hillary??
Anyway, I digress.
I knew because there are some folks who are tired of establishment and tired of feeling like the government runs everything. They were 'sticking it to the man' so to speak by having a non politician in office. Maybe his speeches and debates ignited something in them they didn't know was deep in their belly. I've spoken with some people who wanted something different.
I knew because there are some folks, like some Democrats, who will always vote party. Regardless of candidate. This is often based on one main objective, abortion. A difficult thing because this is so deep seeded in religious ties and people are very serious about that. Although I will say it's interesting that most Republicans support the death penalty so I'm not sure what that's all about. (I believe it's about 80% if anyone wants to fact check me, at least it used to be)
I knew because there are people who didn't want Hillary to win. The same reason there were a lot of votes cast for Hillary as well. People were voting against more than they were voting for. Which also why some people just didn't vote at all.
I knew because there is a HUGE population who hate President Obama. I know because my small random sample of FB friends showed me this. And I am as middle America as they get. At one time in my early FB days---which coincidentally was 2006/2007ish I had 2,000+ FB friends. Between President Obama and Trayvon Martin and President Obama's second term and Black Lives Matter I've lost over 500 FB friends. Now they weren't necessarily ALL from these situations but I can honestly say many were. I worked at a CHURCH and staff wore black the day after he was elected and passed out play pills (the kind you get from Spencer's) that were jelly beans in a jar labeled 'NOBAMA'. And people who felt this way, were NOT going to in ANYWAY be about ANYTHING that remotely suggested supporting him.
And finally I knew because the extreme language used and horrific way Trump has behaved...well, there's a LARGE population of folks....who feel that way. Maybe they weren't all out in the open about it....but they now have permission to be. Can we blame Trump for every gut wrenching video we've seen of schools where disturbing and hateful things are happening? No of course not. Do I put some blame on the people who voted for him or didn't vote?
Quite honestly if there is blame to be put...then I do.
I do because if Clinton was in office and something crazy went down...with emails, with security, with any of the policies people were opposed to....there'd be the same blame put on her constituents. And rightly so. We are a part of the process. We can't vote in who we vote in and then wipe our hands of any piece of it. That's part of democracy. We are all in. We are all a part. Even if we don't vote, we are a part. Even if we seclude ourselves in our little safe bubbles, we are a part. Even if we pretend it isn't happening. That's humanity. We don't live, breath, exist in solitude.
I do because we all have to make the choices we make and then be able to stand by them. So if you made the choice to put a man in office who said hateful, horrific things (things coincidentally the average person would be FIRED from their job for saying) about numerous different people groups....then you need to acknowledge that either maybe you didn't really think some of that was going to rub off on the country or maybe it was worth the risk to you. That what he was offering was worth the potential explosion that was about to come....or maybe you honestly had no clue what was about to happen.
I do because some things that I've seen specifically say 'Trump Train' or include phrases like, 'I'll make Donald send you back to Africa'. That isn't open to interpretation. And even if they aren't old enough to vote, or didn't vote for him....they are allowing that hate and that permission to be hateful to fuel them. They are buying into...if you are black, disabled, gay, Muslim, immigrant, female...then I can say and do whatever I want. I mean...we just elected someone into office who represents all of that. I might've thought it before. Said it only to my close friends and giggled. But now, hell, why not just let ya know.
Will he do good things for us. I don't know. I think we all have such different ideas about what is good for us that we'll never all be happy. Let's say he overturns same sex marriage being legal. There are folks that will think that is good for us. There are others that won't. I guess it depends how far back he's planning on going to make America great again. Honestly, America has never really been great. Maybe as an entity, powerhouse in the world, a large and in charge kind of way. But for many many people....from the very beginning of our existence as a country....we weren't about great. Maybe for some. But never for all.
So where do we go from here. It's dismal. And I've already told a few that I would not be in the least surprised if a civil war or something very close to it doesn't break out. I'm not being dramatic, I'm very serious. I always have hope because I have Christ...but I also know that God doesn't like ugly and the U.S. has been ugly for a very, very long time. (for all who don't know this is ugly in the sense of 'man looks on the outside but God looks on the heart') Also hidden is always brought to light and we've had a good ol share of hidden. I like to toss some reference to scripture once in a while so that worried folks know I still love Jesus :)
These are just my thoughts. I have no answers. I'm one person, reaching and praying for all of us, trying to do what I always do....stand in the gap.
We each need to do what we can to shut down any hate. And let's do this, instead of looking at the "opposing side" to shut down their hate....handle the hate in your own house. Hold our own accountable? We are so quick to share quotes and memes that are really passive aggressive messages to the opposing side. That are 'get your shit together' reminders. And in the sense of humanity that 'We are all on the same team' this might be hard for some people. But we really aren't all on the same team right now. There are other times in history this has occurred if you remember. The band has broken up. So let's right now, for this moment, look to our own. This is wayyyy bigger than this election, but the election became the line in the sand that was openly visible to uncover the wound that has never been healed.
If you didn't vote for Trump and you see extreme language, violence and hate (not anger and pain because anger and pain are allowed) remind that they must stand tall and be brave and fight hard in right ways so that they stay out of jail and quite honestly stay alive. Returning hate for hate does not help. That we must dig deep in our souls to get beyond the election, beyond Trump being president and do the hard work we must to protect rights, laws and people that may be a part of the fall out. We can not give up.
If you did vote for Trump and you see extreme language, violence and hate (which may play out as extreme gloating or pride) come along side and remind them that their neighbors and loved ones might be affected greatly by policies and laws that are to come and they are afraid. That they must stand by people, look past pain and offer their hand. That it is not okay to repeat hate speech, that children must be taught to love and that there is no place for bullying. Hold schools accountable for inappropriate things even if your child wasn't affected. Speak up and speak out.
Be a part of change. It's why I'm going to continue to be an ambassador for discriminatory language, behavior and actions. I always have been about that...but the time is now to be more vigilant and give people the space to get involved if they'd like. This is a time for awareness.
If you are a head in the sand kind of person. I might become very annoying for a very long time. I am sorry about that. But I am not going to not be me. One thing is this....I will never confront you, attack you, or bully you because of how you feel. I do not feel called to do that and do not think that is helpful.
If you want to ask me questions, I am always open for conversations. I've had some really good conversations about beliefs, race, politics, etc. Good conversations don't mean anyone changes their please know we will likely walk away from the conversation in the same boat we were....we just might understand each other better and that's a great thing. If you are okay with that, then let's talk. If you want to convince me that I'm wrong....then let's just keep it casual and that's good too. We might find out casual is the best way to stay cordial.
Personally, as a country I think we are wandering right now. We are wandering and trying to figure this out. If locusts or manna starts falling from the sky, don't say I didn't warn you.
Seriously though, let's figure ourselves out to. Our place in this big ol mess. It's the only place we can start.
That's what I got today.
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