Friday, August 10, 2012

Jordyn Ashley...

So when I was just a babe myself, I found myself pregnant with my daughter Jordyn.  While it might seem that I should've been scared, sad or distraught...I was not.  I was excited and full of joy and couldn't wait for her to be born!  I truly felt that life was a gift and I know that she was God's gift to me and my family.  She was quite the baby...didn't was until about 14 months...didn't sleep through the night until a 1 1/2 years old...and with all the grandparents around I'm quite sure she rarely had the chance to cry!

While she had a sweet disposition from the start...she's also always been a thinker.  She would ask the most in depth questions.  At times she almost seemed melancholy because she could sit in one place for hours.  This would prove beneficial for the future hours she would spend doing homework, reading, writing stories and having move marathons with her friends.  I am grateful that she's always enjoyed using her mind and imagination.

So it's possible that she might be a little dramatic! Ha!  Just possible.  Oh those little girl years.  She didn't like pink, or dressing up, or having her hair brushed, or showering, or really anything that was, well, girlie.  Jordyn loves to enjoy life.  Music, books, movies, family, friends....she has so many different interests and immerses herself 100% to everything she does!

The ultimate big sister.  Baby sitter.  Protector.  Homework helper and quite honestly, often, in her room hider.  :)  She loves her brothers (and her brothers and sister from her dad and step mom)  While they drove her (ok, still drive her) crazy and love to pick on her...she would do anything for them and loves to give them advice and help them out.  I don't know how our home would've functioned without her extra hands and help. 

She's always loved to serve.  She enjoys being able to help others.  I see Jesus' love through her.  In high school her relationship with Christ blossomed and poured out onto others as I saw her enjoy youth group, serve on missions trips, share the gospel with others, teach Sunday school, work at church and stay dedicated to growing closer to Him.

I thought that time was flying by when she graduated from high school...silly me what did I know!  Jordyn made the decision to go to the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis.  I remember many friends wondered if I was worried or if I would have prefered for her to have gone to a Christian university.  Never.  I knew she was heading to just the right place. It was a very prayed over decision.  When we visited for orientation it was even further confirmed.  An incredibly liberal school for an incredibly liberal girl.  A diverse city for a young lady who had incredible love and devotion for all minorities.  And as I thought, she found a great faith community that would afford her wonderful friends.

I love this girl so.  And I can't believe she is 21 already.  What an amazing gem of a person.  What an incredible spirit.  What a golden heart.  As she begins her last year of school and then sets forth into the world, I am so excited to see where God is going to lead her.  Praying that she listens to His voice, allows the Spirit to guide her steps no matter where they may take her and remains faithful to His call on her life.

Happy birthday Jordyn!!!

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