Sweet lil thing, wasn't he? Don't let those big ol' eyes fool you...lol...this boy cried and cried and cried!! I remember Marlon and I would pace back and forth, back and forth, taking turns holding him, rocking him. Marlon likes to say you could set your watch to it. 6pm every night...lol. We were willing to tr anything. ANYTHING! Grandma Calderon finally had the remedy. Rub olive oil on his belly, neck and ankles...wrap him tightly in a blanket, put on soothing music and put him to bed. Worked like a charm!

Elijah has always moved a million miles a minute since the day he was born. I can remember as a toddler...he would just run and run and run and run. In circles, up the stairs, after his brother, chasing a ball. It didn't matter--he was moving! It was not easy to keep up with him at times...lol. I remember when we'd go places-like the zoo, park, anywhere really we'd have to set a parameter. Holding his hand didn't work because he'd fight against it the entire way...so we learned that giving him a specific distance that if he stayed within he could walk alone, worked great. We used to say, 'You need to be within snatching distance...just in case we need to snatch you!" He wasn't afraid of anything or anyone.

Even at the age of 7 (as in this picture), he was already with the faces!! We have so many, hysterical pictures of this kid! He lives to make others laugh. It's such a gift. Because there is so much pain, anger, hurt in the world. But no matter what the circumstance...this kid somehow finds the silver lining, finds the way to stay positive, finds the way to bring joy. One time I was chaperoning a field trip of his and a little girl in his class asked, "Is Elijah always crazy at home too?" :) I was able to answer--why yes he is! He has this amazing wit and sharp mind. Always thinking. No filter. I pray that as he grows he continues to learn and remember that there are times we need to be serious. That it's okay sometimes to walk through the hurt without making jokes and that there are some people who do not appreciate humor. But I hope he never stops being himself. And never stops looking for the joy in life.

Elijah is a lover. He loves to cuddle. He loves to spend time with family and friends. He likes to make people happy. He's a good listener. This makes him a great friend. And it makes him easily wounded too. Even if he doesn't show it. Because when you wear your heart on your sleeve..it makes it a target. I love that he cares about others. I love that he knows when someone needs a hug. I love that he is affectionate and not afraid of showing it!

This is a kid that marches to his own drummer. Always has. And I hope always will. I love that he doesn't care what others think. That he does his own thing when it comes to fashion, music, style, etc. Urkel for Halloween. Complete with attitude and voice. That carried on for the rest of the day. And those glasses? Um, yeah. He wore them all day today. Funny voices. Silly songs. Crazy dances. He doesn't care if it's "in"...if he feels like doing it. Then he's doing it. Love that about him!

Love this kid. Blessed to be his mom. Amazed at the ways I see him grow and change and mature. Excited to see how his story is going to unfold. Grateful that I get to be a part of this life and so hope that our relationship stays close. Praying that he continues to look to God for strength and allows the Holy Spirit to guide and direct his steps.
The world is a much better place because he's in it.
That's what I got today.
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