Tuesday, December 12, 2017

To Care

Moore didn't win
But it was close
Who'd be surprised
It's just how it goes
Do we care?

Trump tweets stupidity
Spews foolishness and hate
And people flock to explain
Do we care?

People argue over details
of who 'deserves' what
They fight for their rights
not caring what gets cut

Worry about self
That's the 'merican way
Make sure you get yours
The rest?  Well they better pray.

But i live in a world
with those that aren't seen
as good enough, smart enough, or who matter enough..

That young man who kneeled
but still ended up dead
he was someone's son

That young woman who pulled away
afraid for her life
it's over before it begun

The mom who's afraid
of what her child has done
has tried to do her best

The dad who runs
acting like he doesn't care
doesn't know how

do you care?

Each is human
with a heart and a soul
hopefully with dreams
about reaching their goals

And yet you sit
with a smug shaking head
'why don't they blah blah blah'
are you surprised they are dead or

Surprised she's been raped
Surprised that she drinks
surprised by his absence
It's much deeper than you think

There is racism everywhere
it doesn't matter if you see it
if others are experiencing it
it's time you believe it

There is rape culture everywhere
it doesn't matter if you see it
it others are experiencing it
it's time you believe it

There is sexism everywhere
it doesn't matter if you see it
if others are experiencing it
it's time you believe it

We pretend that we care but it's
Preservation of self
Look out for numero ono
Worry about nothing else

I'm telling you.


because the 14 year old who's life is full of trauma
of unthinkable things that have been done

because the 17 year old who is full of anger
of how her life has been unfair

because the 6 year old who can't stop hurting
as she remembers the truth of her story

because the mom or the dad who are weary
of decisions they've made or maybe haven't

They need you.
They need us.

To care.

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