Saturday, September 2, 2017

For me.....

It's funny to me how we are all wired.

I see some who choose not to engage with what is happening in the world around them.
I see some who would prefer to live in a bubble.
I see some who think all we need to do is pray.
I see some who think it's someone else's fault.
I see some who think if we just got rid of _____________ we'd be ok.


People hate the people who hate the people who hate.

Are there clear or blurred lines regarding humanity?
Does freedom of speech trump freedom?
Or living?
Are we offering passes for the 'good guys'
Are we closer to understanding privilege yet?

For me, it does not.
For me, disdain is not hate.
A desire to see equity for ALL people to live
is more important that someone getting to carry a torch.
For me, if you don't see that connection?
Well, then I don't know what to say.

If you were raised with hate, you will likely hate.
If you were raised with fear, you will likely fear.
If you were raised to love, you will likely love.

Why do some equate love with doing nothing.
Why do some equate love with "playing nice".
Why do some equate love with looking the other way.
Why do some equate love with pretending to keep the peace.

For me, that is not love.
For me, love is not fear.
A desire to see authentic love that allows others to live
is more important than clinging to 6 verses.
For me, if you can't open your mind or heart,
Well, then I don't know what to say.

I have no desire to 'make' anyone see or understand or grow
I have no desire to debate willful ignorance.
I once social media argued to exhaustion
the truth of Jim Crow and mass incarceration of black men.
With someone who wouldn't watch 13th.
With someone who wouldn't read the New Jim Crow.
With someone who didn't believe statistics.
With someone who thought their high school history book from the 80s was sufficient info.
Looking back...this, to me, was wasted time and energy.
Not because it wasn't true.
But, for me, if a person isn't receptive to grow in understanding.
Then I will no longer force the issue.
I'm cool to love you from afar.
And I do wish you well.

There is so much to learn.
But not everyone wants to be a student.
It is hard to change.
And not everyone wants to be a teacher.

I don't have all the answers.
I have never claimed to.
But I also admit this.
I accept it.
There is much to learn.

We are all wired different.

So I must engage with what is happening in the world around me.
So I cannot live in a bubble.
I do believe we need to pray, but we must ALSO act.
I think it's all of our faults.
I can't imagine life without the _____________ that others want gone.

Sometimes I can't sleep at night.
Sometimes I sleep well.
Sometimes I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Sometimes I stand tall.

And sometimes I write about it, in moments I'm tired of being about it
Because I am weary and human.
And I take a deep breath, roll up my sleeves
Because there is so much work to do.

That's what I got today.

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