Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Before My Heart Explodes #4

It's been awhile since I've posted because I just haven't been able to put into logical words my complete disgust in #45 and his well as people I know and see refusing to admit that any of what he does is deplorable without attempting to point out every policy decision of previous administrations they did not agree with.

Actually. Let me retract that. #45 has been in office less than 3 it really hasn't been that long.

I wish I could blog about sunshine and flowers.
About sipping chai tea and chatting with friends.
I wish I could blog about a joke my son told
About light hearted things and laughter.

Those things are occurring of course. Life does continue.  My social media reflects that. My friends see that.  And they are authentic moments.


When I sit down to write anything meaningful. To take a moment to dig within and bring it out....

I can only seem to express my concern for the state of our people. I can only seem to write about what tortures my soul and tugs at me.  Maybe it's my sociology background.  I have deep seeded interest in people. In communities and the social structure of our world.

***Disclaimer. I know and believe that Jesus sits on the throne. I know and believe that prayer changes things.  However, I do not believe that we are just supposed to sit back and pray and everything will be good.  Before you holler at me "All things work together for good!!!'  Let me holler back....'to them that love the Lord'  oh yeah.... 'And are called according to His purpose' 
We could scripture battle all day.  Let's not.***

I'm going to say something that will likely be very unpopular with many of my Christian friends.

I need believers to stop equating the republican party with Christianity because of the issue of abortion. And yes, I understand that not all do.  But many do.  Pro Life as it is currently utilized in our society to make Christians all in for the republican party is a farce.  I will give you anti-abortion...but it is most definitely not pro life.

I do not understand how one can be pro life and for the death penalty??  (and 80+% of republicans are for the death penalty by the way.  Look it up. It's not an alternative fact.)  Is that pro life?

It isn't.  It is more pro lives that are believed to matter.  So we are pro life for babies...unless that baby grows up to be a murderer...then we are okay with killing him or her?  We are pro life for babies...but if that life wasn't born in the good ol USA and wants to come and live here....then we are okay with discarding them like garbage.  We are pro life....but if that life isn't afforded the same opportunities in this country because of their color, their choice of religion or who they want to sleep with...then we are okay with abandoning them.

That makes no sense.

Please do not, in an immature and tit for tat way try to imply that I am saying the democratic party is 'right'.  Or democratic party is the Christian party.  I do not believe that. Do I agree with many...even most of the policies that the democratic party represents?  Yes. But not all.  I most certainly do not try to make it Jesus's party.

I've heard many say that this is what God ordained.  Like that implies #45 was the 'right' choice.  Many more imply it even when they say it in a different way.

So what if that is true.  But what if it's the fall out that God has allowed because we are a broken mess who has lost our way and our soul....who has forgotten the way and truth of the gospel....who does not value humanity and who idolizes wealth and cares more about self than others?  Could not that be true?

Vote how you wish. That's our freedom right?  For now anyway (I see dictatorship coming for our country but that's another blog...and don't discount me too quickly...I predicted #45 wayyyy back when he first announced he was running)

But please. Stop equating Jesus and Christianity with being republican.

(PS. if this isn't need to defend yourself.  but also, don't try to pretend it isn't some of your friends.)

That's what I got today.

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