Saturday, June 27, 2015

Not a bandwagon kind of gal....

We live in a fallen and broken world. But God is here.

There is calamity all around us. But God is here.

That is why we also see and hear stories of redemption.  Of triumph.  Of love.

Because God is here.

And laws changing....doesn't change that.
And destruction happening....doesn't change that.
And hate spreading....doesn't change that.

It's interesting to me the extremes that I've seen in the news and social media.  Articles being posted all willy nilly, folks jumping on the bandwagon of different 'respected' individuals and quoting their thoughts, scripture being shared to advocate for one's feelings about what's happening in our world.  People who know me know that I'm not a bandwagon kind of gal.  Even if the bandwagon is something I agree with.....I'm not quick to hop on board.

And before anyone turns on ME for judging THEM and what they've chosen to post....please review the 2nd word of the above paragraph.  I said it's interesting not wrong. Or bad.  We are all welcome to our opinion.

It's interesting to me because I wish we could learn from it. Listening and understanding another's point of view.  Finding out why people believe what they believe.  And that really, none of us are 'right'.  How could we be?  How could any one person's ideas and opinion about different issues be 'right'.  We can have our interpretation of 'right' and if a lot of other voices agree with us, we can decide that we are 'right'.  But that doesn't make it true.  And it doesn't make it right.  And it certainly doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed.

If that was true.  My husband might be someone's slave today.
If that was true.  We most certainly couldn't be married and living in freedom.

Knowing that the Supreme Court was making a decision on 'same sex marriage'  'gay marriage' to be honest really didn't catch my radar.  (and in reality it's just a legal redefinition of that it's legal, it's just marriage.)  Mostly because, as many of you know, I'm passionate about different social issues.  I feel like, I'm not why do I care strongly either way if people who are can now legally marry.  It doesn't affect me.  I often get bothered at people who are in extreme camps on any issue...even myself at times....because I think when we get sooooo caught up in what WE BELIEVE and that is the 'right' way...we open ourselves up for judging someone whose opinion isn't like ours.  Even if it's subconsciously.

There are a lot of laws that allow things in this country that I may or may not agree with.  There are a lot of laws that allow things in this country that I may or may not participate in.  The law of the land doesn't determine my ability to love God or attempt, in my feeble humanness, to follow Jesus.  It might change what it looks like or how I express it....but it can't stop it.  And don't bring up 'God's not allowed in schools' blah blah blah...because God is everywhere.  And because I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, the Holy Spirit resides in me.  So if I'm in school....God can be in school.  I might not be able to open a bible freely or pray out loud...but that doesn't mean I can't be salt and light to those around me.  I don't need to CLAIM my Christianity in loud, legal ways in order to be a believer and share the gospel.  If that was true.....then what the heck are Christian missionaries doing all over the world in countries where they 'technically' shouldn't even exist??

If you live in the United States there is a legal definition of a lot of things.  And over the years,   decades....sometimes those legal definitions change.  This is not new people.  There are some countries where those legalities do not even exist.  How would you function there?  How would you live out your faith there?  Whether or not something is legal, doesn't mean your individual ideology about it must change.

What is the greatest commandment?  Jesus didn't allow himself to be tricked by the Pharisees.  Don't you either.

Love Him.  Love others. 

And the world is not ending any more or less today than it was yesterday.

That's what I got today.

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