Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just a lil Step It Up

Today at work during a great discussion about the shelter, the women we minister to, our call, work ethic, being Christ boss shared that God has pressed on her heart the following....step it up.

It resonated with me greatly.  And I've been marinating on it ever since.

If we challenge ourselves to 'step it up'...what does that look like?  And where do I, do we collectively need to step it up?

What if I stepped up my grace?  (God's unmerited favor) If I extended even a wee bit of the abounding grace that God extends to me?  How transforming might that be in my relationships, in the work place, in my ministry?  We can not earn God's grace.  And so we shouldn't have expectations of others to earn it either.  This doesn't mean lowering our standards.  But it does mean forgiving again and again.

What if I stepped up my love?  What if I walked in the love that God has for me?  If I first truly believed that I was loved and in turn showered that love on others?  Despite how they treat me?  Despite if they love me?  I'm not just talking about love for our spouse and children...but love for mankind?  For my community?  For those who think like I do and those that don't?  This doesn't mean being a doormat.  But it does mean opening my heart before my mouth.

What if I stepped up my obedience?  I think of this most significantly at work and in personal life.  Am I in the word daily.  Do I recognize authority and hold it with the respect that it deserves?  Am I willing to give up, or stop behaviors that aren't in line with God's truth or my job's rules?  If I don't agree with I have the wherewith-all to have mature conversations about it or will I just choose to be disobedient?  I certainly can't hold others to a higher standard than I hold myself.  

What if I stepped up my humility?  That might sound like an oxymoron, but if I truly remembered my place.  That He is God and I am not.  I do not know everything.  I do not have the best ideas.  I am not anyone's Savior.  I can not exist and function in a bubble. I can do and be nothing that He does not allow.  He is amazing.  He is wonderful Counselor.  He redeems.  If we can all remember to put things in perspective and look outside of ourselves.  It is not all about us.

What if I stepped up my holiness?  Do I shield myself from things I should not see or hear?  Do I flee from temptation and sin?  Is the standard I have for myself as high as the standard I have for others?  Now I don't necessarily see holiness as a I'm level A holy today but I am working on level F...but I do think we make choices to turn from the Holy Spirit's leading and choose to shut out God's voice.

I love the idea of 'Stepping it Up'.  Not just as an organization but as an individual.  Time to 'get to steppin!!

That's what I got today.

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