Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I've been thinking lately a lot about motivation.

A co-worker recently told me that she wasn't sure how I did it, but I turned a resume writing class into a motivational talk.  One of the women at the shelter said that whenever she talks to me she feels motivated to make changes in her life.

These are special compliments I hold dearly.  Mostly because lately I've been feeling highly UNmotivated.

My house is in total disarray.
My personal time is sadly suffering.
I haven't been to the Y in I can't even remember.
I have several phone calls/emails I need to respond to that I just don't get around to.

And yet.

I am able to muster up something of Him to relay to others.  

When I am most weary, I've learned I am most aware of His presence.  Sustaining me.  Carrying me.

That somewhat corny poem about the footprints and where was He when there were only one set of footprints?  Guess what?


Even in the midst of this season, of not getting things done when I'd like and pieces seemingly falling and balls possibly being dropped...I sit in a place of contentment.  He is there.  I am not alone and He never leaves my side.

Such growth God has done in me.

Satan used to so easily get me.  And believe me, he still gets me.  

But I am so much more aware of his lurking.  I am so much more honest about struggles and frustration. And in that truth?  He must move around.

I am so much more aware of his tricks.  I am so much more honest about temptation and weakness.  And in that truth?  He must flee.

Grateful for growth and change.  Grateful that sometimes, even if it takes me a longgggggg time, sometimes...I get it.

He gives me rest.

And guess what?  He wants to give it to you too.  He desires to be in relationship with you because He loves you.  

My worst day with Him is beyond words better than my best day without Him.  I can't explain it.  It just is.

That's what I got today.

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