Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Some people who are homeless...

Some people who are homeless...have jobs.
Some people who are homeless...do not have jobs but they pound the pavement looking for work. 
Some people who are homeless...have never had a job before and are scared to enter the workforce.

Some people who are homeless...have college degrees.
Some people who are homeless...did not graduate from high school and would like to now, but it can be difficult as an adult to return to school and juggle responsibilities.
Some people who are homeless...do not see education as something that can benefit them, often because it is not viewed as obtainable.

Some people who are homeless...have supportive families who are just not in a place to give them a long term place to stay.
Some people who are homeless...have family that would open up their homes but it's not a healthy environment and so they don't want to expose their children to that.
Some people who are homeless...do not have any family.

Some people who are homeless...have hopes and dreams and goals.
Some people who are homeless...have bought into Satan's (and unfortunately often our societies) lies that they are not worth having hopes and dreams and goals.
Some people who are homeless...have given up on hopes and dreams and goals because life just never seems to go their way and they are discouraged.

Some people who are homeless...have never done drugs and do not have addictions.
Some people who are homeless...have used drugs or are using drugs but have desire to quit.
Some people who are homeless...have become addicted and aren't sure if they even could quit.

Some people who are homeless...are white, brown, black, male, female, young, old, single, have children, are married, ARE children.

I can't express to you my deep sadness when I read ignorant statements on facebook and made in casual conversation regarding people who are homeless.  The most recent one was posed as a political joke.  It actually hurt my heart to read it.  And it hurt it worse that people who are my brothers and sisters in Christ liked this comment. 

We need to do better.

That's what I got today.

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