There's a quote that goes something like "You are only responsible for your actions and reactions. Not the actions and reactions of others."
I think that there are some folks who don't like this kind of a quote because they think it gives a person free reign to be a bully. Or they caught up in the legalities and think in certain areas that might not be true. (such as a minor child breaking a law) All of that being is why I like it.
You are responsible for your actions and reactions.
As a believer, I do my best to live for an Audience of One. God. To follow fast after Jesus Christ to try and align my thoughts, love and understanding of the world and people with His. To allow the Holy Spirit to inhabit my being so that my actions and reactions might be pleasing to my Lord. The fruits of the Spirit. Loving the Lord God with all that I am and then choosing to love others as He loves them.
I have to answer to Him. So I don't have permission to just run about saying and doing what I want. I lived that way. It's not all it's cracked up to be. There is no freedom in that. You can do great harm to yourself and others living that way.
Choosing to love, to understand, to give, to wait, to be faithful. They are not always the popular choice however.
You are not responsible for the actions and reactions of others.
But know that striving to live right with Him, sometimes makes you unpopular with the world. You might lose friends, you might be "that" person. You might find others irritated with you for where you stand on different issues. People are people and we all are on our own journey and make our own choices. It is not your responsibility if someone makes an unwise choice. Just like it's not theirs if you do. You will have family and friends that will deal with difficult consequences from poor choices. You are not responsible for that. (doesn't mean you can't love and support them, but you don't have to shoulder the burden as yours) We are not responsible to try and make others happy. We are not responsible to try and change people's minds.
We can let go, release what isn't ours to take and stand firm.
Choosing to extend grace, have patience, show compassion and release.
After a few days of tortured heart, I am reminding myself of this.
He sits on the throne!!
That's what I got today.
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