Saturday, July 7, 2018

I just don't understand.

I just don't understand.

Black people just living
but Becky's gotta call the cops
I mean how is it possible 
Some don't see that it should stop.

Mexicans are rapists
and illegal-build that wall
Yet other countries' entering doesn't seem
to bother 'merica at all

Our president is filthy
ugly and full of lies
Yet Jesus lovers quickly 
defend him and consider him wise.

Women who've been assaulted
Mistreated and abused
are still seen as asking for it
we are so backwards and confused.

People care who other's marry
whether others sit or stand to pee
They think it is their business
and they can tell others how to be

Families in need are judged
for what they need
But if someone decides to give
post that picture if you please.
Racism runs rampant
and ignorance, it's growing
People look at others with hate
They don't care if it's showing

I just don't understand.

And just when i'm about
to lose all faith 
in humanity
the beauty of people
filled with abandon and love
draws me in.

A conversation with friends
full of laughter and tears
A grandiose gesture
that covers a need
Questions then listening
to better comprehend
An honest desire to 
follow Jesus
An open and kind 
outstretched hand.

So even though i don't understand
and likely never will
I cling to every little bit
of HOPE that there is.